
We like to meet with our clients to enable us to provide them with accurate quotes after taking into account their personal situations.

Prices Clarke Wright Main Feature Image

Services Single clients Couples
Straightforward Will £295 £495
Protective Trust Will £895 £1,295
Single Lasting Power of Attorney * £495 £695
Two Lasting Powers of Attorney * £695 £1,095
Recommended minimum protection:
Protective Trust Will and Two Lasting Powers (discounted) *
£1,495 £2,295
Lifetime Trust ** £2,995 £3,995
Maximum protection:
Lifetime Trust, Protective Trust Will, and Two Lasting Powers (discounted) *  **
£4,195 £5,995

Will Writing Services Clarke Wright Accountants Main Focus Image 1
Prices Clarke Wright Main Focus Image 1

Voluntary First Registration of Title

From £1,195 plus Land Registry Disbursements depending on the property value (e.g. £200,001 to £500,000 the disbursement is £250). Read more


Grant of Probate only from £595 or full service from £1,495.
Fees depend on the value and complexity of the estate and
the Will. Plus court fees and other disbursements( from £290). Read more

Tax planning

Advice from £1,195. Read more

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* Registration fees each power £82, payable directly to the Office of the Public Guardian and this is in addition to our fees. However, depending on your financial circumstances you may be eligible for a reduction or remission of the OPG fee.

** Plus, the Land Registry charges we pay on your behalf, based on a scale of property values, e.g., for a £300,000 property, the charge is £150.

All fees include VAT and exclude disbursements.

Price list leaflet


Price List